Feeding Pets of the Homeless is an ongoing national effort to regularly supply donated pet food through food banks to local people who cannot afford to properly provide for their pets.
Over the course of a year, as many as, 3.5 million people become homeless. Most people who experience homelessness (80%) are homeless for a short period of time and usually need help finding housing or a rent subsidy. But, unfortunately for those with pets, it becomes more difficult. The disadvantaged are forced to choose between their pet and a roof over their head.
Surprisingly, most choose to stay on the streets with their pets for longer periods of time. Their pets are their comfort, provide an emotional bond of loyalty and are nonjudgmental. It is estimated that one in four homeless and disadvantaged people have a pet. Pets of the homeless do not choose their guardians.
Feeding the Pets of the Homeless has developed a way for communities to come to the aid of defenseless pets on several levels.
1. Major Sponsorship – Veterinarians, pet groomers or any interested business or person can join the Feeding the Pets of the Homeless organization and be the coordinating entity for a community.
2. Donation Location– local businesses can get involved by placing a receptacle at their business where donations can be dropped off.
3. Donations – community residents can donate food or money to the organization.
Locally, donations are accepted at:
Hills Veterinary Hospital
22163 Redwood Rd.
Castro Valley, Ca
Dr. Leandro Cannone, Chiropractic Office
2185 East 14th St.
San Leandro, Ca
To find out more about how you can get involved in this worthy cause, contact Donna Butler-Gates at 510-581-2727 or visit www.petsofhomeless.com.